First of all, what is microbiology? Well, it is the study of microorganisms, which include prokaryotes and eukaryotes. It also includes the study of viruses, though they are not considered as living organisms.
The science of microbiology has been hypothesized since the 14th century. However, nobody could prove of the existance of such until the microscope was invented in the 17th century by three men, notably Hans Lippershey, Hans Janssen, and his son Zacharias. It was hypothesized later on during the Black Death period that the microorganisms were the cause of diseases that affected living organisms.
So, what is the use of microbiology in modern times? Well, there are several very important uses for it, namely:
- Genetics
- Medical Field, eg. Pathology and Immunology
- Industry, eg. Fermentation
- Food
- Pharmaceutical
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